Business Strategies for an Aspiring Activist Entrepreneur

Two individuals promote eco-awareness; one holds a light bulb, while the other holds a megaphone.

Two years back, I embarked on the path of activist entrepreneurship. Now, at 25, I’m self-employed and equipped with the tools to bring about meaningful change in my community and for our Earth. Let me share my story with you!

How I Embarked on the Activist Entrepreneur Path

My tale began in the spring of 2016 at Arizona State University. On my initial day attending the “Sustainable Cities” class led by Professor Bjoern Hagen at ASU’s School of Sustainability, the sun blazed hot. I had to select a 3-credit elective for my Philosophy degree and was seeking a course that would be engaging and a place to hang out with friends. What emerged after that class was a new minor in Sustainability added to my degree and a transformative life direction.

Back then, I balanced my life as a full-time student and roles as a talent coordinator and head of the marketing team for a local concert promoter in Phoenix. My aspirations revolved around carving a niche for myself in the music world. Candidly, I aimed to gain popularity and enjoy complimentary party entries!

Over the next trio of years leading to my graduation, I delved deep into sustainability, understanding the climate crisis, and exploring careers that could usher in a positive shift. Reports on environmental concerns, like the biodiversity findings in 2019, plunged me into bouts of climate-related distress, while the idea of a corporate sustainability role seemed daunting and disheartening.

The most challenging aspect of this anxiety was the sheer solitude – conversations on the topic were rare. The online world, too, lacked substantial resources that could guide me or present a way forward to create a tangible impact.

Three people gesture and rally in a city, with one holding a blank sign

A Personal Entrepreneurial Story

I’m about to unfold a comprehensive narrative that delineates the meticulous process of establishing a business, with the overarching vision of attaining both temporal and financial autonomy, all in the pursuit of leaving a profound imprint.

The inception was characterized by in-depth research, arguably bordering on the excessive. The journey was punctuated with periods of inertia, coupled with countless hours dedicated to honing the website’s design and strategizing the business trajectory. Despite these, the leap into action was eventually made.

Here’s a panoramic view of the undertaken strategy:

  • Choosing the Business Framework: The decision was inclined towards a service-oriented enterprise, capitalizing on acumen in marketing and sustainability. This epiphany culminated in the proposition of providing remote freelance marketing services tailored for green businesses;
  • Drafting a Business Blueprint: This document underwent several iterations, each refining the previous;
  • Designating Financial Resources: An outlay of roughly $300 was channeled towards pivotal needs such as securing web hosting, procuring a WordPress theme, and subscribing to an email list service;
  • Establishing an Online Reputation through Content: A series of articles were disseminated via a Medium profile, lending the venture much-needed credibility in the virtual space;
  • Onboarding Initial Clients for Endorsements: By offering services either pro bono or at a concession, a couple of clients were enlisted, primarily through avenues like Reddit and CoFoundersLab. Their feedback was pivotal in shaping the business’s reputation;
  • Reaping Monetary Rewards from Passionate Endeavors: The first remunerated client partnership was solidified in January 2020.

Challenges faced during this process included:

  • Defining the exact services to offer;
  • Determining the pricing for those services;
  • Identifying potential clients who would benefit genuinely from the services and could afford them;
  • Ensuring all operations were executed properly, from contracts to invoicing;
  • Experiencing significant personal development.

Four months after publishing “The Definitive Guide to Becoming an Eco Entrepreneur“, the first freelancing client sent $75 for blog-related tasks. Today, weekdays are balanced between client tasks, mentoring budding entrepreneurs, and contributing to sustainable development goals locally. There’s sufficient income to cover all expenses, including vegan takeout indulgences, subscriptions to anime, book clubs, gaming, music, Crunchyroll, and other related costs, all while navigating the challenges of COVID-19. 

Impact and Achievements in Sustainable Entrepreneurship

This segment casts a spotlight on the substantial achievements and tangible contributions carved in the landscape of sustainable entrepreneurship. Beyond the mere rhetoric of “making a difference,” it underscores measurable outcomes, demonstrating that monumental change is within everyone’s grasp. The odyssey is still in its nascent stages, yet the strides taken are noteworthy.

A recap of the milestones:

  • Empowering Green Ventures: Lending expertise to various sustainable enterprises, enhancing their marketing prowess to magnify their benevolent impact. A standout achievement among these is guiding a particular business in securing a whopping $3.25 Million funding;
  • Global Mentorship: Engaging in mentorship roles with over 30 entrepreneurs worldwide, who are anchored in sustainability. Collaborative ventures span illustrious organizations such as SEED SPOT and YLAI, besides being approached directly via online publications;
  • Championing Climate Advocacy: Taking the lead on multiple climate-driven endeavors in Phoenix while investing immeasurable hours to champion the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Political Collaborations for Green Agendas: Forging alliances with the City of Phoenix and regional political representatives to sculpt and drive sustainability initiatives;
  • International Recognitions: Earning the prestigious opportunity to address an audience at an international academic institution, elucidating the quintessential role sustainability plays in today’s economic framework;
  • Laying a Blueprint through Literature: Through thought leadership and authored pieces, sowing the seeds of inspiration and providing actionable insights for others aspiring to tread a path of purposeful impact.

Previously, the notion prevailed that impactful transformation was synonymous with aligning with pre-established events or leaning on digital petitions and telephonic appeals to lawmakers. Contrary to this, myriad paths beckon those with the spirit of change, and the moment to act is now, for the clock is ticking!

Future Directions in Sustainable Entrepreneurship

At a defining crossroads in the entrepreneurial odyssey, a choice stands tall between two diverging avenues:

  • Expanding the Existing Marketing Endeavor: A logical progression that involves growing the existing business;
  • Reigniting the Foundational Mission: A return to the heartfelt quest of mentoring and nurturing individuals burning with the desire to imprint a positive change.

The compass of passion points resolutely towards the second path, accentuating the transformative power of visual platforms, notably TikTok and YouTube, to shepherd this cause. If a single soul can strike a balance between fiscal prosperity and unwavering commitment to sustainability, it stands as a beacon that others, too, can emulate this blueprint. Envision the monumental shift if a multitude of eco-warriors synergized their efforts to propel the sustainability movement in the digital realm and at grassroots levels.

Creating a green, sustainable future transcends being a mere distant dream; it is an active commitment that sprouts from the heart of communities. It envisions cities that elevate sustainability, ecosystems buzzing with diverse life, and cohesive groups who, while marching to their unique beats, resonate with a common purpose.

In the vibrant tapestry of activism in Phoenix, having woven partnerships with various eco-focused factions, ranging from the Phoenix chapter of the Extinction Rebellion to the Citizens Climate Lobby and beyond, an underlying lesson surfaces: A chorus of unified voices appealing to local custodians is a potent force. Instead of wholly merging into the ethos of these collectives, what if there was a blended strategy? A course that intertwines active participation in these movements, while also tracing a distinctive trajectory

Proposed Initiatives for the Future:

  • Produce engaging content across platforms such as this blog, YouTube, and TikTok to guide aspiring activist entrepreneurs;
  • Implement a QR code at local stores, which, when scanned, sets a recurring reminder to advocate for sustainable development by contacting local representatives every Friday;
  • Fund a mural in Phoenix, adorned with local art, visualizing the city’s potential for sustainable development and vibrant biodiversity.

Admittedly, there’s a sense of apprehension regarding these endeavors, leading to some delays in execution. The idea of producing video content, for instance, has been particularly daunting. A past declaration on Instagram about taking a break for launching a YouTube channel didn’t quite materialize as intended. However, if past achievements serve as any indicator, these initiatives will come to fruition in due time. Here’s to hoping this communication marks the beginning.

A hand grips a megaphone near a "WAKE UP" sign during a protest


In an ever-evolving world, the fusion of activism and entrepreneurship represents a beacon of hope for meaningful change. Through relentless effort, persistence, and a commitment to both business and the planet, this story embodies the essence of an activist entrepreneur. By leveraging modern platforms and innovative strategies, it emphasizes the potential each of us holds to champion change in our respective spheres. 

You may also like the guide to becoming an eco-entrepreneur, which further delves into the intricate balance between business and sustainability. In this guide, you’ll discover how passion and purpose can come together to make lasting impacts in the world of eco-entrepreneurship.

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